Tuesday, July 29, 2008

Hydrogen from Water Boosts Mileage

Fauquier Times

Jerry Dossey is a curious, creative man who has been around automobiles most of his life. Originally from Prince Georges County, Md., he worked his way to Florida and back again as a car salesman. Some five years ago he went to work at Chrysler of Culpeper as sales manager.

He has created a small unit that plugs into the engine's air intake. It sends hydrogen into the fuel mix where it powers the engine. The engine's sensors think the extra hydrogen means too much fuel is being used, and reduces the amount.

“When you improve the hydrogen inside the engine itself, it will burn off the carbon that has built up,” Dossey said. “Once the carbon is off, you're going to get better mileage automatically.

“So you're burning less fuel because of the hydrogen and you've burned off the carbon, which will give you more horsepower, better emissions, and better miles per gallon.”

As always, however, the proof is in the pudding.

Once his prototype was finished, Dossey was ready for a test.

He drove his Jeep south on U.S. 29, turned around and came back. He was getting 14 miles per gallon. He refilled his tank at the same gas station, and duplicated the trip.

“I did everything I could to make sure everything was the same,” he said. “The Jeep went from 14 miles per gallon to 20-some miles per gallon.”

Scientific again. 20 something miles to a gallon. All from a sales manager from a Chrysler Dealership. Not scientists, a used car salesman.

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